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Your Guide to Closet Organization, Part 2

In our last article about closet organization we touched on the actual process of cleaning it up. Now that everything is labeled, arranged and easily accessible, your job is to keep it that way. In this article we will provide a few tips on how to keep your closet neat and tidy so that you won’t come to the point of having to empty out the closet and start organizing all over again.

Smart Space Management

If you lack the space to fit everything you need in your closet, maybe you just need to rearrange it a bit. If your shoes are taking too much space try hanging a shoe rack in your closet. Replace bulky boxes with smaller ones and big coat-hangers with thinner ones. There are a ton of space-saving accessories online, like hanging compartments that you could make good use of if your space is limited.

Take a Few Minutes Each Day

Nobody likes losing half a day on closet organization and spending their weekend doing chores while you could be relaxing. But what if we told you there’s an easier way to keep your closet neat and tidy. Simply take 20 or so minutes every day to do a bit of closet straightening after the big cleaning so you won’t have a mess on your hands when it becomes cluttered again. Taking a bit of time each day to keep your closet neat will save you the time and the effort you could be directing elsewhere.

Try to Avoid Impulse Shopping

We’ve all felt the temptation of a sort-of nice clothing item with a huge “sale” sign hanged over it. As hard as it might be in the beginning, try to avoid impulse-shopping so that you don’t end up with a closet full of t-shirts that don’t fit, shoes you can’t wear on any occasion or itchy sweaters. Not only will your closet be devoid of useless clothes but your wallet will be significantly heavier.

Out with the Old, In With the New

If you however do feel the need to get some new, fresh clothes be sure to get rid of the old ones too. For every new item you add remove one from your “old” pile, provided you’ve kept some of your old clothes and labeled them. If you haven’t, just throw out the ones you haven’t worn in over a year or the ones that don’t fit. This way you will maintain the balance in your closet, which will save you from having to go through the messy closet all over again.

Top-Quality Custom Closets

Remodel Works Bath and Kitchen is the premier home improvement agency in San Diego area. Our passionate designers are committed to creating the perfect closet to fit your every need. We use only the highest quality materials at the most reasonable rates. We offer all our customers a 5-year warranty and promise no grey areas. Contact our agents and get a free quote on your custom closet today!



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