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National Kitchen and Bath Association Awards – What We’ve Accomplished

As most of you may know, the remodeling industry is extremely competitive and providing top-notch service is crucial. Every year The National Kitchen and Bath Association hosts an annual Gala Award Ceremony presenting a number of awards to prestigious designers within our industry. These awards provide a platform that allows bath and kitchen remodelers to receive maximum exposure for their projects. These awards and projects are showcased to millions and are held very high. With every year comes a clean slate and the opportunity to create something original and unique. New trends are formed and designers use their inspiration to create masterpieces. With that being said we are proud to announce that our designers won 3 awards at this years Gala Award Ceremony. Ryan Christenson won Best Large Kitchen, Laura Landegent won Best Large Bathroom, and John Deluca and Mary Jennings won Best Small Kitchen. Each one of these projects is one of a kind and we are very pleased they got the recognition they deserved.

National Bath and Kitchen AssociationRyan’s kitchen remodel that landed him the Best Large Kitchen award truly is a work of art. You can absolutely never go wrong with gray and white. All of the different features in this kitchen work together to form a comforting vibe, making even the worst of cooks drool over its beauty. The Zimbabwe granite countertops contrast perfectly with the white tint finished maple cabinetry and the gray gloss subway backsplash. The big front window lets the perfect amount of natural light in, and the ceiling light and multi-level fixtures add the perfect modern finishing touches. From the view of this photo, the island looks like any ordinary kitchen island right? Wrong! On the backside the oven is mounted into the island, so not only does it look amazing, it also has numerous purposes. Way to go Ryan!

National Kitchen and Bathroom AssociationHere is the stunning remodel that Laura Landegent won Best Large Bathroom with. This is another prime example that you can never go wrong with white and gray! The new elegant aura that this bathroom displays can make any woman feel like they are in a spa within their own home. Throughout this bathroom we see gray Spectrum tile moving from the floor up the wall, merging into the vibrant linear stone mosaic blend. The vanity is the perfect mixture of sparkling white countertops, chrome fixtures and matching frameless mirrors. The Boat freestanding bathtub is the true focal point of this room. It brings it all together to create a place of pure serenity.

National Kitchen and Bath Association


Together, John Deluca and Mary Jennings worked on this exquisite kitchen, earning themselves Best Small Kitchen. Putting this kitchen into words is challenging but if there were one word to describe it, I would say it’s diverse. Diverse in the best way possible. Throwing so many colors and textures into one room can be tricky but John and Mary made it work flawlessly. Combining champagne finished hickory wood cabinetry, Treasure Find mosaic tile and rainforest granite countertops sounds overwhelming but it came together beautifully. The cooktop splash contrasting the mosaic tile really expresses how well the colors work in unison. This kitchen came out looking like a masterpiece and we could not be more proud.

Comparing each of these projects, you can really grasp the variations possible when remodeling a given room. The possibilities are endless and we are here to help you figure out what works best for you. We are so proud of our designers for all of their success on these projects, as well as all of the other projects they accomplished this year. A special thank you to NKBA for hosting the Annual Gala Awards and presenting us with these awards, we greatly appreciate it. We look forward to next year’s awards, but until then, it’s time to get back to the remodels!



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