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Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen

When we see a mess in a kitchen, the usually response is the feeling of dread and not wanting to take quick action. Everyone knows the big reason is the time it will take to put your kitchen back into the original clean form before you cooked that crazy meal. However, we are here to provide you with some easy cleaning ways to jumpstart your spring cleaning this year.

Spring cleaning cooktop

One of the main essential tools for the kitchen is where you cook the food. In the world of kitchen appliances there are different cooktops and stoves that are installed in the kitchen. A good consideration is an electric cook top because of the easy cleaning properties it can provide for a house owner. An electric cook top not only is an easy clean, but it provides an even distribution of heat for the food you are cooking. Some top brands to consider are Bosch, Frigidaire, GE, and LG.

In a kitchen, we also worry about having to sweep the floors and mopping them. The technology of making things easier has been around since the 19th century. One example is the dustpan. We know not everyone is excited to bend down after giving the kitchen a good sweep, and we have to brush the dust bunnies into this pan. Do not deny this, but not everyone cannot get all the dust bunnies into the pan during the first sweep. Also, not only do we not get all the dust bunnies, but we also pick up the dust into the air. An automatic dustpan or a central vacuum cleaner can help make things easier and provide a cleaner environment. Who would not want to make the sweeping process a little easier? Some suggestions on where to get an automatic dustpan, you can consider websites such as Amazon.

Spring cleaning floorsWhat if you are not looking to replace or install a stove, or add a central vacuum, but want to design with a certain material? The two choices are usually stainless steel and porcelain for your sink. The porcelain has a longer lifespan of 25 to 30 years versus the 15 to 30 you get for a stainless steel. However, what if you are still determined to get a stainless steel sink? Consider getting a stainless steel with a lower gauge and a thicker steel. A stainless steel sink should avoid cleansers that contain chloride compounds and never use steel wool or abrasive materials. Also, if you want to prevent scratches in your stainless steel sink from silverware, you can use a satin or brushed finished to hide these little imperfections. On the other hand, porcelain can chip and stain so considered having the sink refinished if the finish gets too many scratches and chips.

Overall, spring cleaning the kitchen is never an easy task, but we hope some of these suggestions can help make your life a little easier and cut some of that cleaning time in half. Happy cleaning!






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