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Unique 2015 Design Elements

As trends change and home owners are looking for new styles to incorporate into their home, there are several unique 2015 design elements on the rise. San Diego is one of the trendiest cities in the U.S. which is often reflected in the local home décor. Nobody wants to have the same kitchen as their neighbors, a home is supposed to be a reflection of your family. Always searching for the latest home trends and innovative options, we’re seeing several new styles in San Diego homes this year.

Unique 2015 Design Elements




One of the most popular unique 2015 design elements San Diegans are incorporating into their homes is vertical wood paneling. Vertical wood paneling elongates the room whether that be your kitchen or bathroom, and in turn makes the room appear more spacious. Most design elements are horizontally based, adding in a vertical element creates a multidimensional texture. It is important to remember that when you decide to implement a unique 2015 design element into your remodel, to do so in small doses.



While opening up the space in your remodel is a great use of unique 2015 design elements, they can also be used for increased functionality. Hydraulic easy-open cabinet doors and drawers have picked up steam in San Diego kitchens and bathrooms. Hydraulic cabinet doors and drawers conveniently stay open and close slowly for easy use. The hydraulic hinges not only eliminate the ruckus of slamming cabinet doors, they also give the kitchen a much more modern look.



The last few years we have seen the widespread adoption of sleek, modern designs in both kitchen and bathroom remodels. Recently we have seen a shift for many San Diegans who are deciding to introduce old world prints and patterns into their homes. From 17th century décor to Chinese prints and French antiques, old world designs offer a luxurious addition to any room.  While some choose to pair old world prints with traditional fixtures and décor, others have found a perfect balance of modern with old world patterns peppered in.



Unique 2015 Design Elements

There are many unique 2015 design elements that can be mixed and matched in San Diego remodels. Remodel Works Bath and Kitchen has a team of skilled designers and experienced technicians that can create the remodel of your dreams with any styling you like. We have been creating custom remodels for over 30 years, our years of experience and passion for creating projects our customers will love have made us San Diego’s choice for all their home improvement projects. For your next remodel or room addition, let Remodel Works help you create a space you and your family can enjoy for years to come.





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